Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5

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  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
  • Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5 creates a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories.
Now: $8.00
Was: $49.75


Decodable Home Reading Books - Set of 5

For Parents:

The Reading Mountain® books help parents and guardians create a positive learning experience for children, using simple guided lessons with interactive, illustrated stories. They are researched and designed to empower your child and boost their learning confidence.  Dyslexic children or reluctant readers can sometimes feel isolated or ‘behind’ their friends but the reality is they just learn differently.

Our books have:

  • Practical ways of learning sounds and their letter representations
  • Decodable vocabulary
  • ‘Decodable’ and ‘Up for the Challenge’ levels for each title
  • Cool chapter and graphic novels your child will love
  • Beautiful Illustrations

These books can be used as part of a nightly reading ‘cuddle time’ or as part of a school’s home reading program. While our books are ‘Dyslexic friendly,’ they are suitable for all readers up to 7 years of age and provide stimulating graphical stories.

One way of preparing your child for a successful reading experience is to make sure that the first time the books are read is with the support of a parent or carer. This way, your child can be on the ‘look out’ for the special vocabulary that features the focus sounds.

  • A particular sound is being focused on in each book
  • The sound is highlighted in the word using a different colour
  • The same sound may appear in different letter combinations

For Teachers:

The Reading Mountain® provides teachers and industry professionals with books and resources that are beautiful, engaging and encourage reluctant readers to be active in their own learning.

The Reading Mountain® advocates that children should be encouraged to take charge of their own reading and with support, feel at ease when trying to read more complex text.

Phonics knowledge is scaffolded and extended in complex versions of each decodable title. Our books use the Dyslexie font to cater for the learning needs of dyslexic and reluctant readers. 

The Reading Mountain® produces books that are useful, different and engaging. They are designed:

  • To be used as part of a planned phonics program for all early years students but specifically for dyslexics, reluctant readers and EAL learners
  • Our first sets have a specific focus on long or short sounds, with letters making the focus sounds highlighted
  • To celebrate beautiful, original illustrations
  • To engage using the ‘graphic novel’ structures
  • With thoughtful layout to focus students on text, illustrations and direct speech
  • To include simple and more challenging versions of each title to positively challenge children who have a ‘Growth Mindset’
  • To be used on various electronic devices and as well as printed books
  • To accompany teacher assessment and teaching support materials for each book

Decodable Home Reading Book - Anna The Panda

Written by Susan Spelic and Illustrated by Cassandra Storm D.

‘Anna the Panda’ has language that helps to teach the short ‘a’ sound as in the words; ‘Anna, sand, can, ants and bamboo’.

Anna is an active baby panda. Anna likes to eat, but she eats too much! What happens to Anna when she does not listen to Dad?

Decodable Home Reading Book - Clever Meg

Written by Susan Spelic and Illustrated by Kaytlyn Skye.

‘Clever Meg’ has language that helps to teach the short ‘e’ sound as in the words; ‘Meg, clever, tent, garden, bed and ten.’

Meg is a very clever little girl. She can do many things all by herself! What happens when Meg makes a mess in the kitchen?

Decodable Home Reading Book - Duck In A Cup

Written by Susan Spelic and Illustrated by Cassandra Storm D.

‘Duck in a Cup’ has language that helps to teach the short ‘u’ sound as in the words; ‘Duck, ducklings, up, cup, Mum and us.’

Duchess is a proud duck who loves her seven little ducklings. They all waddle up the street to visit Granny. What happens when the littlest duckling goes missing? Will they find the duckling?

Decodable Home Reading Book - The Problem

Written by Susan Spelic and Illustrated by Cassandra Storm D.

‘The Problem’ has language that helps to teach the short ‘o’ sound as in the words; ‘log, Tommy, jog, on, and not’.

Tommy and Oscar, his big scruffy dog, go for a jog on a hot day. Tommy can not find his dog! Where is Oscar?

Decodable Home Reading Book - Tim And His Sisters

Written by Susan Spelic and Illustrated by Cassandra Storm D.

‘Tim and his Sisters’ has language that helps to teach the short ‘i’ sound as in the words; ‘Tim, sister, Pip, Jill, fish and in’.

Tim has a big sister and a little sister. They like to go camping and fishing. Tim is surprised by something in the water!

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