Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties
Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties
How to Feel Smart and in Control About Doing Mathematics with a Neurodiverse Brain
A collection of mathematical games, activities and curiosities to surprise and amuse children aged 7+, whilst providing learners with a grasp of fundamental concepts and techniques. This book can be used by anyone wanting to improve their maths, as well as those with dyscalculia or maths anxiety or other SLDs, and will show learners how much fun numbers can be.
1. Play it!
2. Play some more!
3. Ponder it!
4. Conjure it!
5. Simplify it!
6. Square it!
7. Make it!
8. Riddle it!
9. Believe it!
ISBN-13: 9781787755635
Author: Hornigold, Judy; Salerno, Joe
Local release date: 26/04/2021
Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 138.00mm) 144 pages