NDIS Order

NDIS Orders

Sensory Oasis for Kids is proud to be a registered provider for the National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS).

Our Provider Registration Number is 4050017872 and we are approved for the following supports in all states except NT.

Assistive Products – Personal Care / Safety
Assistive Equipment – Recreation
Comms & Info Equipment

We have made the NDIS ordering process as simple as possible for you with our easy checkout system.

  • Add all of the items you would like to purchase through your NDIS funding to the cart (if something is out of stock, you can request to add it later) and go to the checkout.
  • If you are a new user, you can either create an account or checkout as a guest and then add in your Billing / Shipping details. Please note – do not use your Plan Manager’s details for the billing and shipping, this needs to be your own details so the invoice is addressed correctly for your Plan Manager to process and so we know where to send your items.
  • When you get to payment method you need to select NDIS Order then add the participants name and NDIS number and select the plan management type.
  • Please note - If a product/s you require is out of stock on the website, please use the notes section to request it to be added to your order. It will be added if the item/s you require will be available / in-stock within 7-10 days. If the item/s are discontinued or will be out of stock for longer than the 7-10 days, they will not be added to the order.

How your order is processed

NDIS Managed
If you are NDIS Managed your order will be processed for you through the portal within 1-2 business days. We will automatically use your Consumables funding if available but please leave a note if you would like us to claim from another category (usually Assistive Technology).

Plan Managed
If you are Plan Managed, an invoice will be created and emailed to your Plan Manager within 1-2 business days for them to process. Your Plan Manager will likely contact you for your approval, once received they usually pay it within 3-10 business days. Please note, sometimes the payment will come out of your plan days before we actually receive it, especially around weekends and public holidays. We will send out your order as soon as the payment reaches our account.

Self Managed
If you are self-managed, your invoice will be emailed to you within 1-2 business days for you to organise your funding/payment. You will need to do a payment request through the portal and then once you receive the funds, you can pay the invoice. Please note, if you wish to pay for your order at checkout, please do not choose the NDIS Payment option. Please choose one of the alternative payment options and your invoice will be sent to you for your record keeping.

Reading Your NDIS Plan

The funding for items we provide are covered under your Core Supports Budget. Core helps you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals.

Your Plan can be managed in four different ways

  1. Self-management – The NDIS will pay you so you can pay your providers directly.
  2. Plan-management – The NDIS will provide funding in your plan to pay for a Plan Manager who pays providers on your behalf.
  3. NDIS-managed – The NDIS will pay your providers on your behalf.
  4. A combination of the above options.

Sometimes reading your plan can be confusing, hopefully this might help you decipher it:

Look for the wording “How will the supports be paid:”

  • NDIS will pay my support provider directly for these supports - NDIS/Agency Managed
  • NDIS will pay me directly for these supports - Self-Managed
  • NDIS will pay my Plan Manager directly for these supports - Plan-Managed

Each support category will list how it is managed and how it will be paid and your plan can be managed in more than one way for different supports. Please feel free to contact us if you need more help clarifying things.

What can you spend your funding on?

Consider the following things when deciding what to buy with your NDIS funding:

  1. Will the support or service help you to pursue the goals in your NDIS plan?

  2. Is the cost of the support or service reasonably priced and is it the best value for money compared to other supports?

  3. Can you afford the support or service within your approved NDIS budget? Remember, your funding needs to last the entire period of your plan.

  4. Will the support or service help you find or keep your job, help with your education, improve how you connect to your local community and improve the relationships you have with family and friends? It should not replace supports that would usually be provided by family, friends and within your community.

  5. Is the support or service something that should be funded by other government services instead? For example, dental, health or hospital services, education, housing and public transport. Note: the NDIS will fund some supports, such as disability-related health services, where they are part of the participant’s daily life and result directly from the participant’s disability. Remember, all communities should have facilities and activities that are inclusive and accessible to people with disability.

  6. Will the support or service help you to participate in activities with friends and other members of your community, or help you to find or keep a job?

  7. Is it safe? Your supports and services should not cause you any harm or put other people at risk.
NDIS Ordering Terms & Conditions

Completing the checkout process and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions confirms the Service Agreement between the National Disability Insurance Scheme Participant (you / your client) and the Provider (Purple Spectrum P/L T/a Sensory Oasis for Kids).

The Responsibility of The Provider:

  • The Provider agrees to process the order and supply the goods in a timely and efficient manner.

The Responsibility of the Participant

The Participant / Participant’s Representative agrees

  • To inform the Provider about which items they wish to order to meet the participant’s needs
  • To let the Provider know immediately if the participant’s NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.
  • Allow the Provider to make service booking/s and payment request/s through the portal for items requested by the Participant / Participant’s Representative.
  • That all items requested are approved by the NDIS as Core Supports / Assistive Technology to help the Participant meet the goals in their plan.
  • That all items classified as “High Risk” are approved by the NDIS and / or a Registered Health Professional as reasonable and necessary and that all safety considerations have been considered.