Can I Tell You About Tourette Syndrome?

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Can I Tell You About Tourette Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals

Meet Max - a boy with Tourette syndrome (TS). Max invites readers to learn about Tourette's from his perspective, helping them to understand what tics and triggers are and what it feels like to have TS. He explains how living with TS can sometimes be difficult, and how people around him can help him to feel happy and accepted. This illustrated book is ideal for young people aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers and other professionals working with children with TS. It is also an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.

Can I tell you about…?
The 'Can I tell you about…?' series offers simple introductions to a range of limiting conditions. Friendly characters invite readers to learn
about their experiences of living with a particular condition and how they would like to be helped and supported. These books serve as
excellent starting points for family and classroom discussions.

1. Introducing Max who has Tourette syndrome (TS).
2. Tics and Tourettes.
3. Playing with other children.
4. A letter for mum and dad.
5. My TS at school.
6. My fidget toy.
7. Finding out I had TS.
8. Our self-help group: TS and other conditions.
9. What makes me Tic? Triggers and treatments.
10. Dogs and other things.
11. Living with Tourettes; Dos and don'ts.
12. A story about Max: A boy's best friend.
13. About the story: Questions and discussion points. For parents and professionals: More about Tourette syndrome.
14. How teachers can help: Tips for teachers. Further reading and resources.

By Mal Leicester
Pub Date:12/2013
Format: Paperback 56 pages

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