Smart Snacking for Kids

Smart Snacking for Kids

Here are some of the top brain boosting snacks to save your kids from that after-school slump and give them the necessary energy to get through their homework and extra-curricular activities:


Water is the most important thing that people need to survive and often kids don't drink enough.  Get kids in to the habit of drinking water from an early age, pack a water bottle for them whenever you go out, put a frozen bottle in their lunch box and keep plenty of water in the fridge during warm weather.  If they don't like the taste, add fruit like oranges, strawberries or lemons to the water to give it some extra flavour.

The recommended daily amount of fluids is:

  • 5 glasses (1 litre) for 5 to 8 year olds

  • 7 glasses (1.5 litres) for 9 to12 year olds

  • 8 to10 glasses (2 litres) for 13+ years

You should drink more water when you're exercising or on a hot day. We often don't feel thirsty even when our bodies need fluid, so its a good idea to drink water regularly throughout the day.

Greek Yogurt

Its rich in calcium for building strong bones, it has probiotics that balance gastrointestinal flora, its high in protein which is fabulous for energy and its really versatile

Use it in smoothies, in a bowl with fruit or muesli or freeze it with some pureed fruit for an extra yummy (and healthy!) treat.


It is recommended that we eat two serves of fruit per day and luckily for most kids that is easy!  Fruit is great in the lunch box, as a quick after school snack or an energy boost at half time at their sports game.

Fruits provide essential nutrients important for health, growth and development so need to be included them as a regular part of every kids daily diet.  If you struggle with fussy eaters, try smoothies full of fruit or freeze fruit like grapes or bananas for quick frozen treats.


Eggs are an ideal food for inclusion in children's diets as they are nutritious and provide useful amounts of folate, vitamin A, iron, zinc, iodine and omega-3s in particular. Eggs are also a good source of protein for children to support growth during this time.

Eaten plain on their own or as a base for many nutritious meals, eggs can be really useful in the diets of kids especially fussy eaters who refuse to eat other nutrient rich foods.

Vegetables with Dip

With a recommendation of five serves per day, vegetables have to take credit of being one of the best and most important foods you can encourage your kids to eat each and every day.

Crunchy raw veges dipped in hummus or Greek yogurt is a super snack that is not only good for you but can be fun too!  Get the kids involved and get creative adding different herbs, spices and flavourings for even more delicious dipping.

Seeds and Nuts

Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds can be high in protein and healthy fats and are great as a quick snack on the run.  They are much better for kids than salty, fatty chips so have them readily available for hungry kids to snack on daily.  A small handful of trail mix including nuts, seeds, dried fruits and even a few chocolate chips is a perfect little afternoon treat!

So as you can see there are plenty of healthy, tasty options to feed the kids when you hear their tummies rumbling after a long day, so why not stock up the pantry and fridge and create those good eating habits while they are young.  Bon appetite!

Sep 23, 2015

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