Crystals & Rocks

Crystals & Rocks

  • Step into the universe with the Cosmic Collection, an exquisite trio of gemstones that paints a portrait of our celestial neighbourhood. Step into the universe with the Cosmic Collection, an exquisite trio of gemstones that paints a portrait of our celestial neighbourhood.

    Cosmic Collection

    Cosmic Collection Step into the universe with the Cosmic Collection, an exquisite trio of gemstones that paints a portrait of our celestial neighbourhood. Hand-selected and finely polished, each stone is not just a gem; it's a narrative, a symbol of the...
  • The Rose Quartz Oloid is a harmonious fusion of age-old gemstone allure and modern geometric design. This 3D figure effortlessly captures balance and symmetry. The Rose Quartz Oloid is a harmonious fusion of age-old gemstone allure and modern geometric design. This 3D figure effortlessly captures balance and symmetry.

    Rose Quartz Oloid

    Rose Quartz Oloid The Rose Quartz Oloid is a harmonious fusion of age-old gemstone allure and modern geometric design. Born from the brilliance of Paul Schatz in 1929, the oloid's shape is an intersection of two equal circles, meeting at their centres...
  • The Tiger Eye Oloid, with its beauty and soothing properties, is a combination of art, science, and therapy.

    Tiger Eye Oloid

    Tiger Eye Oloid The Tiger Eye Oloid, inspired by the distinctive geometry introduced in 1929 by Paul Schatz, is carved from the striking Tiger Eye gemstone. This gemstone is renowned for its chatoyancy, a silky lustre that seems to shift and gleam as it...