The Everyday Autism Series - Set of Five Books

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  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.
  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.
  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.
  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.
  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.
  • The Everyday Autism Series books open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves.


The Everyday Autism Series - Set of Five Books

See the World Through Madi’s Eyes and Feel the Conflict, Wonder, and Hope!

We all want and need to be understood by those around us. Some people find it easy to communicate their desires in a socially acceptable way, other struggle. Autistic children, and those on the spectrum find it particularly hard. These books are written simply, so children can understand them, but they open a window into the minds and hearts of those who have to struggle intensely to express themselves and who are frustrated by their failure.
Many autistic children are able to function in regular classrooms, bringing opportunities for both children and teachers to grow and learn in new ways. This series was written to help Madi’s teachers and classmates interact with and understand Madi better. The other kids loved the first book and often asked for it, and so did Madi’s teachers and so the series grew as Madi herself is growing up and facing new challenges with courage.

The five books in the series are:

Blue-eyed Madi has a difficult gift. At first sight she looks just like most other kids her age, but she is different – she has autism. This book tells about Madi’s early years and how hard it was to discover what was going on inside her precious mind and heart.

Madi is ready for Kinder, but it is not easy for her or her teachers and classmates to understand her. Look at the world through Madi’s eyes as she goes to Kinder and understand the challenges and joys of daily life with autism for Madi, her classmates, and her teachers.

Although Madi looks just like all the other kids you see at the shops she is different – she has autism. As Madi grows up she and her parents notice the unspoken accusations of others. See the world through Madi’s eyes as she goes shopping and understand the challenges and joys of daily life with autism for Madi and her parents.

Blue-eyed Madi is growing up, and now it is time for her to go to school. At school, Madi learns many things and so do her classmates and her teachers. We all know it’s not easy being different, especially when you struggle to find words to express yourself.

Thomas loves to dress up and act out stories. He delights in exploring different textures and loses himself in his own world. He looks like any other boy his age, but struggles to find the words he needs to explain how he is feeling. See the world through Thomas’ eyes and understand how his autism sometimes means that his response to everyday challenges is hard for others to understand and accept.
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